Monday 27 May 2013

Popped the Question.

Well hello there, lovely reader. As you guys who are reading this may well be people who know us, you’ll be aware that Jen and I are engaged! And well, that’s pretty awesome.

Greetings from 'Millsby'

We decided that we wanted to make a bit of a blog as a keepsake for ourselves, to chart our progress through the mire of wedding planning; mainly because I’m soppy and Jen has a terrible memory. We’ll keep all of our friends and family up to date with our plans and everything! 

Here's Dan making the blog. I was too busy playing with the camera.

At the moment we’re not really sure what this blog is going to contain, I’m new to this, and Jen hates all things internet…she says as she browses wedding blogs, but now we’re engaged she’s starting less fights with me and was happy for us to put this together. 
FYI, Jen knows what this blog will contain…Jen knows everything. J (Dan: I’m not sure about this!) (Jen: I am.)

This opening post is to show off the fact that we’re engaged, with a few pictures of us just lounging as a
couple, enjoying engaged life.

This is Dan remembering that we're meant to be spending time together. -->

We’ll both be chiming in from time to time, either with longer posts, or just quick updates about things we’re enjoying at that moment! And lots of wedding planning fun!! 

Get used to these faces displaying various degrees of attractiveness.

Here’s a picture of the ring that lightened my wallet and sealed the deal:

Lastly, the scene of the crime. The bridge where I popped the big question:

That's all till next time! Love, Millsby xx