Tuesday 6 May 2014

It's been a while, hasn't it?

Well, we aren’t very good at keeping up a regular blog, are we? 
Our bad. 

Anyway, lots and lots to fill you all in on!! 

Some of you will have received your invites in the last week.  They were all handmade with love (awwww!)
Dan may have gone into a strop when he failed at sticking the inside of the invite into the card...
It. Was. Hilarious.

(Dan: Dan does not DO CRAFTS.)

Dan and I are both eagerly awaiting your replies and your menu choices. I know it’s still early days but I’m hoping the more I can organise now the more time I have later on if something goes wrong!!

 All ready to get sent off! We were sat in Costa Coffee preparing ourselves for posting them.

There’s still the evening invites left to send, but they’ll be closer to December. (yes, I do have them ready to write up). I happened to find some Christmas cards in the right colours and just had to get them!!

All of the bridesmaids are sorted now, their shoes and dresses are all bought. Just have to wait till December to buy a dress and shoes for my little niece. (CANNOT WAIT TO DO THAT) She’s going to be the cutest little bridesmaid EVER. My 4 fully grown bridesmaids all look absolutely stunning in their dresses; two in teal and two in purple.

I’m actually quite surprised I’ve managed to get them all sorted so quick. With how spread out we all are I thought it would take a lot longer! But shopping trips in Merry Hill, Leicester and Leeds have lead to 4 happy ladies and one happy Jen.

My lovely Groom- to- be(!!!) has made a startling decision; he wants an interesting coloured suit. Not one of these black, grey or navy boring ones. Something more like....purple or teal.

(In all fairness we have seen some LOVELY suits in both colours.)

So I may have encouraged this strange idea. As long as those Ted Baker shoes look good with the suit I’ll be alright. J

The centre-pieces have changed a slight bit, but Dan’s fabulous Aunt and her equally fabulous  husband are helping us out with them. Luckily the new ideas have given me some inspiration and I’m drawing up new designs and can’t wait to get started on making some stuff! They are going to look more like the picture from the last post. :D

The bouquets are slowly (very slowly) taking shape. Making some music note flowers to make sure Dan gets his musical tastes involved.

(Fun fact: all of the music note flowers are made from The Nutcracker Suite sheet music; because it’s Christmas-y and because it’s Dan’s favourite classical piece)

In February we went to a jewellers and got THE RINGS. It took us a while to pick...well...it took me a while to pick. (In the end I went for a shiny one) Dan was a classic man about it and picked the first one he saw. They are now sitting in their bags and I want to open them soooo bad!

I have a dress.
Jen’s Wedding Dress Debacle:
I visited a bridal shop and tried on some dresses like this...

I loved them on the hanger and had had my heart set on that style for a while. But when I tried them on I felt absolutely ridiculous. I was uncomfortable and just hated them. They did not suit me.
I was convinced that the wedding was off.
Then I tried on a few simple dresses.

I was happier in this style; understated and then I could blend into the background. I was happy but my mum was clearly unconvinced. She literally begged me to try on a few more in different styles. I wasn’t having any of it, until I saw a dress in a window...

I think that’s everything...
We promise we won’t leave it as long next time.
And next time, it’s Dan’s turn to write a post. :-P

That’s all till next time! Love Millsby. XX

Pictures from weddingdressesmall.co.uk and Debenhams.com

Sunday 5 January 2014

This is the year.

So it’s been a while, but we are back. And we are definitely still getting married! I think it’s been about 6 months since our last post and there is a fair amount to fill you in on.

Before getting onto the wedding stuff just a quick personal update; we have now moved in together at long last! Jen has got a job in Leicester and is working much harder than Dan. (Dan: her words, not mine.)

Now back to business.

So what have we been doing? Well, I (Dan) have been working really very, very hard. I’ve (and by I, I mean we, clearly) ordered the awesome cufflinks for my groomsmen, decided on the colours of my suit (nearly), and made a note of the processional song, and what has to be the last song of the reception.

Jen meanwhile has done barely anything. She’s ordered half of the bridesmaids shoes, started picking out bridesmaids dresses, has been making a lot of flowers for her brooch bouquets, has been looking hard for wedding dresses, designing place settings for all of the day time guests, designed the centrepieces for the dinner tables, bought her wedding shoes (and then changed her mind and sorted those out too!), made all of the invites by hand (with some lovely helpers!) and a dozen or so other things that I can’t remember off the top of my head. 
So really, she’s not done much.

So everything is coming along quite nicely at the moment, and now that it is 2014, we can no longer say that we are getting married ‘next year’. The year is upon us, and there is still a lot to go.

So...thank you Dan for being really vague.

The date has changed would be my first thing to mention. After some arguing it is now set as Saturday 20th December 2014. Eeeep.   

The venue has been chosen and the date has been provisionally booked with...OAK FARM HOTEL *fanfare please, thank you*

Nice warm fire place for a cold winters night.

Dan’s section wasn’t completely useless, he was right in saying that I am brilliant and have done a lot.

Invites: check.

(Need to thank my dear mother and mother-in-law to be for their help in making almost 50 of these bad boys!)

Started on the flowers: check.

                             Mmmm! Glittery goodness!

Decent brooch collection: check.

Table plan design and the provisional plan: check.

Sorry, no picture for this one!!

Centre piece design: check.

(this isn’t it...but it’ll be very similar. Imagine it rounder J )

Shoes: check


Wedding diet: ...bugger. 

errmm...we'll just skip over this one for now...

So...yeah...getting there even though there is a lot left to do.

I’ve also chosen Dan’s wedding shoes (both pairs- what a diva!!)

So now that things are moving forwards we will try to keep you updated a bit more often...try ;) 


That’s all till next time! Love Millsby. XX